
Clownimals Carnival!

Created by Cosmic Macchiato

The circus is in town! And this one is full of colorful, cute, and fluffy performers! Comes see this fur-tastic show of hard enamel critters!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

BackerKit Surverys Going Out Soon!
10 days ago – Mon, Mar 03, 2025 at 06:15:13 PM

Hello my friends!

Thank you everyone for your patience! I had an event this weekend which meant I didn't get a chance to get the surveys ready. The pins are going into productions, so I hope I'll have some cool WIP pictures to show soon.

Big thank you to Kristen of Cosmic Kristen Designs of doing all the heavy lifting and setting up my survery! Big love to her, check her out if you haven't already.

I will be sending surveys out in a couple days. I need to finish up a bit of art, so they'll be sent by Friday the 7th at the latest. There are plenty of fun new add ons for you to choose from as well, so I hope you are looking forward to it!

I will be livestreaming myself finishing up the art over on my twitch throughout the week, so I hope you stop on by. Thank you again for the support!

A spectacular end! Thank you from the bottom of my clown shoes!
22 days ago – Thu, Feb 20, 2025 at 10:06:56 AM

Hello hello again my friends,

Apologies for the silence, it has been a crazy week indeed. But as we've all known for a week, the campaign has come to an end! And what an end it was, you all helped me to go out with a bang. Thanks to everyone's efforts with pledging and helping me with advertising, I was able to get enough funds to get the third pin!

In terms of what to expect next, I will still keep working! As we know the last two designs still need to be polished and revealed, so that will be my main priority going into March. When it's survey time, I will make sure to update the sticker pack add on pictures as well. That way no one misses out on the newer designs if they still want them.

I have already been in contact with a manufacturer, so production can hopefully start soon! I will update with progress pictures as I get them myself. I am a stickler for perfection, so you may seem many changes as we go through the process.

To address the elephant in the room, my partner has unfortunately cancelled her campaign. But I still have access to who pledge to both, so fear not you will still be receiving the Mothman Cookie freebies. Nothing will change on my end in terms of fulfillment and freebies.

If you have any questions feel free to drop them below! And I hope everyone is having a wonderful February <33

24 Hours To Go!
30 days ago – Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 02:46:15 PM

We are in the final stretch my friends. Figure I'd post an update here in case you didn't see my emails!

Thank you for your patience, I have had a wild month and haven't been on top of this campaign as I would like. So I really appreciate everyone's understanding <33

In case you didn't get the email, I have decided to fund to the third pin regardless of if I hit the funding goal. Many people were excited for the panda pin, and I didn't want to disappoint! So all three of the revealed pins will be available. Sadly the other two will not be funded this campaign, but maybe we will see these pins come to life in the future! You'll just have to stay tuned to find out.

I know I didn't add many pre campaign add ons, so if that's what you were looking forward to fear not, there will be post campaign add ons! I hope you will be excited to see all the new products I have added since last year. 

I will still be streaming myself working on the rest of the designs for the campaign, and I promise to get better about posting those here haha. 

Again thank you again for all the wonderful support on this campaign. I really am proud of these designs and I think I am the most excited person to see these pins in person. But maybe you can prove me wrong by helping me do one final push on this campaign before it ends tomorrow! Either way I appreciate every single one of you <33